> TNschools E-learn videos - kalvi tv videos Download ~ Kalvikavi
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TNschools E-learn videos - kalvi tv videos Download

 TNSCHOOLS E.LEARN.TNSCHOOLS.GOV.IN WEBSITE NEW UPADETE .How to download Kalvi TV videos e-learn website 

Step-1 - Go to Chrome Browser and search (e-learn tnschools)

Step-2 - Click to e-learn.tnschools.gov.in link

Step-3 - then Click ( Click here for content) button

Step-4 - Select Class (1 std to 12th std which class you want

Step-5 - Select medium (Tamil or English )

Step - 6 - Select subjects

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Step- 5

Step- 6

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6th std Reduced portion || 6th class deleted portion 2021

6th Tamil reduced syllabus- Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

6th English reduced syllabus - 6th English Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

6th Maths reduced syllabus - 6th Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download  

6th Science reduced syllabus - 6th Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download  

6th Social Science reduced syllabus - 6th Social Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


7th std Reduced portion || 7th kalvi TV videos 2021

7th std Reduced portion || 7th kalvi TV videos 2021

7th Tamil reduced syllabus- 7th tamil kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

7th English reduced syllabus - 7th English kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

7th Maths reduced syllabus - 7th Maths kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

7th Science reduced syllabus - 7th Science kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

7th Social Science reduced syllabus - 7th Social Science kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


8th std Reduced portion || 9th class deleted portion 2021

8th Tamil reduced syllabus- 8th tamil Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

8th English reduced syllabus - 8th English Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

8th Maths reduced syllabus - 8th Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

8th Science reduced syllabus - 8th Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

8th Social Science reduced syllabus - 8th Social Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


9th std Reduced portion || 9th kalvi TV videos 2021

9th Tamil reduced syllabus kalvi TV videos- 2020-2021 - Click to download 

9th English reduced syllabus - 9th English Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

9th Maths reduced syllabus - 9th Maths kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

9th Science reduced syllabus - 9th Science kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

9th Social Science reduced syllabus - 9th Social Science kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


10th std Reduced portion || 10th class kalvi tv videos 2021

10th Tamil reduced syllabus - 10th Tamil Deleted portion- 2020-2021 - Click to download 

10th English reduced syllabus - 10th English Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

10th Maths reduced syllabus - 10th Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

10th Science reduced syllabus - 10th Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

10th Social Science reduced syllabus - 10th Deleted portion kalvi TV videos - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


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11th std Reduced portion || 11th class deleted portion 2021

11th Tamil reduced syllabus - 11th Tamil Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th English reduced syllabus - 11th English Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Maths reduced syllabus - 11th Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Physics reduced syllabus - 11th Physics Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Chemistry reduced syllabus - 11th Chemistry Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Botany reduced syllabus - 11th Botany Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Zoology reduced syllabus - 11th Zoology Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Bussiness Maths reduced syllabus - 11th Business Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Science reduced syllabus - 11th Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Biology reduced syllabus - 11th Social Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Accountancy Reduced syllabus - 11th Accountancy Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Commerce  reduced syllabus - 11th Commerce Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Economics reduced syllabus - 11th Economics Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th History Reduced syllabus - 11th History Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

11th Computer Science reduced syllabus - 11th Computer Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


12th std Reduced portion || 12th class deleted portion 2021

12th Tamil reduced syllabus - 12th Tamil Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th English reduced syllabus - 12th English Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Maths reduced syllabus - 12th Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Physics reduced syllabus - 12th Physics Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download

12th Chemistry reduced syllabus - 12th Chemistry Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th bio-Botany reduced syllabus - 12th Botany Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download

12th Zoology reduced syllabus -  12th Zoology Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Bussiness Maths reduced syllabus - 12th Business Maths Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Geography reduced syllabus - 12th Geography Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Biology reduced syllabus - 12th Social Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Accountancy Reduced syllabus - 12th Accountancy Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Commerce  reduced syllabus - 12th Commerce Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th Economics reduced syllabus - 12th Economics Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 

12th History Reduced syllabu - Click to download 

12th Computer Science reduced syllabus - 12th Computer Science Deleted portion - 2020-2021 - Click to download 


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