> 12th Chemistry Important 2-3 Mark Questions ~ Kalvikavi
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12th Chemistry Important 2-3 Mark Questions

According to New Syllabus (2019-2020)
 (VOULME – II) 2 , 3 & 5 Marks:- 
 8th LESSON 

1.Arrhenius Concept 

2.Limitations of Arrhenius theory

3.Lowry-Bronsted Theory?(proton theory)

4.Limitations of lowry-Bronsted Theory

5.Lewis Acids and Lewis Base Differentiate

6.Ionisation of water

7.pH Scale

8.Relation between pH and pOH

9.Ostwald’s Dilution law

10.Common Ion Effect

11.Buffer solution , Buffer Action

12.Buffer capacity and Buffer Index

13.Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

14.Salt Hydrolysis

15.pH of salt solution in terms of Ka and the concentration of the electrolytes

16.Solubilty Product 

17.Determination of solubility product from molar solubility


1.Ohm’s law



4.Molar Conductivity

5.Equivalent Conductance

6.Factors affecting electrolytic conductance

7.Measurement of conductivity of ionic solutions (or) Wheatstone Bridge circuit

8.Conductivity calculation

9.Variation of molar conductity with concentration 

10.Debye-Huckel and Onsagar equation

11.Kohlraush’s law

12.Electrochemical Cell and its types

13.Daniel cell and its construction

14.Galvanic cell

15.Emf of a cell 

16.Measurementof electrode potential 

17.Thermodynamics of cell reaction

18.Nernst equation

19.Electrolytic cell and Electrolysis

20.Faraday’s First and Second law

21.Leclanche and Mercury Button cell

22.Lead storage battery

23.Recharge of the cel

24.Li-ion Battery

25.Fuel cell (or) H2-O2 Fuel cell


27.Electrochemical of mechanism of corrosion

28.Protection of metals form corrosion

29.Electrochemical series

30.Anode and Cathode

31.Sacrificial Protection

 10th LESSON

1.Characterstics of adsorption

2.Types of adsorption

3.Distinguish between chemical and physical adsorption

4.Factors affecting adsorption

4.Adsorption isotherms and isobars

5.Limitations of adsorption isotherms and isobars

6.Applications of Adsoption


8.Promotors and Catalyst Poison

9.Auto & Negative catalysts

10.Intermediate compound theory

11.Adsorption theory

12.Active centres

13.Enzyme Catalysts and mechanism

14.Zeolites Catalysis

15.Phase Transfer catalysis and Nano catalysis

16.Lyophilic and Lyophobic colloids 

17.Colloid , Dispersion phase & medium

18.Preparation of Colloids

19.Mechanical , Electro , Ultrasonic Dispersion


21.Purification of Colloids, i.Dialysis ii.Electrodialysis iii.Ultrafiltration

22.Properties of Colloids

23.Tyndall Effect

24.Brownian Movement

25.Helmholtz double layer


27.Electro osmosis

28.Protecetive action


30.Identification of types of Emulsion

31.Various deemulsification techniques

32.Inversion of phase

33.Various application of colloGreen

2.Preparation of Glycol and Glycerol
3.Lucas Test
4.Victor Meyar’s Test
5.SN1 and SN2 Mechanism
6.E2 mechanism
7.Saytzeff’s rule
8.Swern oxidation
11.Acrolein Proeparation
12.Dow’s Process
13.Phenol to Benzene
14.Schotten-Baumann reaction
15.Williamson ether synthsis
16.Kolbe’s (or) kolbe’s Schmit reaction
17.Riemer-Tiemann reaction
18.Phthalien reaction (or) Pnelophthalein Reaction
19.Coupling Reaction
20.Teat to differentiate Alcohol and Phenols
21.Preparation of diethyl ether and classification of ether
22.Auto oxidation of ethers
23.Friedel crafts reaction
24.Uses of Diethyl ether and Anisole uses
25.Uses of Alcohols full (Methanol , ethanol , Ethylene Glycol , Glycerol
 12th LESSON
1.Ozoloysis of Alkenes , Alkynes
2.Rosenmund Reduction
3.Stephen’s Reaction
4.Etard Reaction
5.Gattermann – Koch Reaction
6.Fridel – Crafts Acylation
7.Esterification Mechanism
9.Clemmenson Reduction
10.Wolf Kishner Reduction
11.Haloform Reaction
12.Aldol Condensation
13.Claisen Schmidt Condensation
14.Cannizaro Reaction
15.Benzoin Condensation
16.Perkin’s reaction
17.Knovenagal Reaction
18.Malachite Green
19.Test for Aldehydes 
20.Benedict’s solution test
21.Uses of Aldehyde and Ketone
 13th LESSON
1.HVZ Reaction
2.Reducing action of Formic acid
3.Tests for Carboxylic acids
5.Claisen Condensation ( Beta keto ester)
6.Hoff mann’s degradation
7.Uses of carboxylic acids 
8.Nitro form and Aci form
9.Hoffmann’s degradation reaction
10.Gabriel phthalimide synthesis
11.Hoffmann’s Ammonolysis
12.Cabylamine Reaction
13.Mustard oil Reaction
14.Sandmeyar Reaction
15.Gattermann Reaction
16.Gomberg Reaction
17.Thrope Nitrile Condensation
18.Uses of organic nitrogen compounds
 14th LESSON
1.Structure of Glucose
2.Structure of Fructose
4.Succrose , Lactose , Maltose Structure
6.Importance of carbohydrates
7.Proteins and Amino acids 
8.Isoelectric point
9.Zwitter ion
10.Peptide bond formation
11.Structure of Proteins
12.Denaturation of Proteins , Importance of proteins
13.Enzymes and mechanism of enzyme action
14.Lipids , Classification and Biological importance of lipids
15.Vitamins , Classification of Vitamins
16.Nucleic Acids , Composition and structure of nucleic acids
17.Pentose , Phosphate group 
18.Nucleosides and Nucleotides
19.Double strand helix structure of DNA
20.Difference between DNA and RNA
21.Types of RNA 
22.DNA finger priniting
23.Biological Functions of nucleic acids.
 15th LESSON
1.Drugs and classification of drugs 
2.Enzymes as drug targets
3.Receptors as drug targets
4.Anaesthetics , Analgesics , Opioids , Antacids , Antihistamines , Antimicrobials , Aminoglycosides 
 Antiseptics , Disinfectants , Antifertility drugs
5.Food Additives and important categories of food additives and advantages
7.Artificial Sweetnig agents’
8.Cleansing Agent and Soaps
10.Polymers types of polymerization
11.Free Radical Polymerisation
12.Preparation of Polythene , Orlon , Nylon- 6,6 , Nylon – 6, Dacron 
13.Preparation of Bakelite 
16.Preparation of Neoprene , Buna – N , Buna – S
17.Biodegradable Polymers 
18.Preparation PHBV 
19.Nylon – 2 , Nylon - 6
(Note: Refer Book Back Questions also) 



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