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1. State and Prove De Morgan's Theorem

2. Explain the basic elements of an electronic communication system.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Robotics? 

4. Explain emission and absorption spectra with their types.

5. What are electromagnetic waves? Write down the properties of electromagnetic waves.

6. Obtain lens maker's formula and mention its significance.

7. Derive the mirror equation and the equation for lateral magnification.

8. Discuss the applications of Nano materials in various fields,

 9. Explain the logic symbol, logic equation. Truth Table of OR. AND, NOT,NOR, NAND and EXOR gates.

10 Discuss the spectral series of hydrogen atom. 

11. Obtain the law of radioactivity and hence derive for half life period.

12.Explain the J.J. Thomson experiment to determine the specific charge of an Electron .

13. Explain the construction and working of transformer.

14.Explain the working of a single phase AC generator with necessary diagram. 

15.Explain RLC circuit and hence derive an expression for phase angle between the applied voltage and current.

 16.Obtain the condition for bridge balance in Wheatstone's bridge.

17. How the emf of two cells are compared using potentiometer.

 18. State and discuss the microscopic and macroscopic forms of ohm's law. 

19.Explain the resistances in series and parallel.

20.Explain in detail the construction and working of a Vandegraaff generator.

 21.Derive an expression for electric potential due to an electric dipole.

22.Derive an expression for de Broglic wavelength and for electrons. 

23.Electron microscope / Davisson - Germer experiment. 

24. Magnetic field due to straight conductor using Biot savart law or ampere's

25. Explain in detail the construction and working of cyclotron. 

26. Axial line / Equatorial line - electrostatics and Magnetism.


1. What is power of lens.

2. Why does sky appear blue? 

3. Differentiate Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction

4. Define photoelectric effect.

5. Define Curie.

6. What is meant by radioactivity?

7. Calculate the energy equivalent of I amu.

8. Differentiate intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.

9. Distinguish between Avalanche and zener breakdown.

10.Define skip distance and skip zone. 11. What are sub atomic particles?

12. What are black holes?

13. What is meant by Fraunhofer lines?

14. What is displacement current?

15. Write down the integral form of modified Ampere's circuital

16. State Fleming's left hand rule / right hand rule

17. Define Q factor power factor 

18. Mention the ways of producing induced emf.

 19. What is meant by hysteresis?

20. State Kirchoff's rules

21. What is Seebeck / Peltier / Thomson effect.

22. What is superconductivity?

23. What is electric power and clectric energy.

24. Differentiate coulomb force and gravitational force.

 25. What are polar and non-polar molecules. Give examples.

 Cs about Nicol prism

2. State and derive Malus law / Brewster's law. 

3. What are defects of eye? What are their remedies.

4. What is photo cell? Mention their types. Explain the construction and working of phot cell. Give their applications

5. List out the laws of photoelectric effect.

6. What are the properties of cathode rays?

7. What are the types of Nuclei? Give examples. rectifier / Full

8 Explain the construction and working of Half rectifier.wave

9. What are the advantages and limitations of AM/FM 

10. Write down Maxwell's equations in integral form.

11. How will you induce an emf by changing the area enclosed by the coil?

12. Mention the various energy losses in transformer.

13. Compare dia, para and ferro magnetism.

14.Discuss the conversion of galvanometer into an ammeter and also a voltmeter.the basic properties of electric lines of force. 

16. Explain in detail Coulomb's law and discuss its various aspects.

17.Define electric field and discuss its various aspects.

18.Obtain the expression for energy stored in parallel plate capacitor. 

19. Obtain the expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor.

20. What is internal resistance. How will your determine internal resistance of cell using voltmeter



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