12th Commerce guide Chapter 2: FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT - Reduced syllabus 2021 - Book back Question and answer
I. Very Short Answer Questions:
1. Write a short note about Planning.
- *Planning is the primary function of management. Nothing can be performed without planning.
- *Planning refers to deciding in advance. Planning should take place before doing.
2. What is meant by Motivation?
- It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goal.
- Motivation includes increasing the speed of performance of a work and developing a willingness on the part of workers.
3. What is meant by Controlling?
- It is the control function which facilitates synchronization of actual performance with predetermined standards.
- Controlling is performed to evaluate the performance of employees and deciding increments and promotion decisions.
4. List the subsidiary functions of management.
- Innovation, Representation, Decision-making, and Communication are the subsidiary functions of management.
5. What is the Traditional proverb used in planning?
- Think Before you Act‘ or 'Look Before you Leap' are some of the usual traditional proverbs; which provide a basis or logic for planning.
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II. Short Answer Questions:
1. List out the main functions of management?
- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Directing
- Motivating
- Controlling
- Coordination
2. State the importance of staffing.
- Staffing refers to placement of right persons in the right jobs.
- The success of any enterprise depends upon the successful performance of staffing function.
- Staffing helps to ensure better utilization of human resources.
- It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through development managers.
3. What is meant by Innovation?
- Innovation refers to the preparation of personnel and organisation to face the changes made in the business world.
- Innovation includes developing new material, new products, new techniques in production, new package, and new design of a product and cost reduction.
4. What is meant by Coordination?
- Co-ordination is the synchronization of the actions of all individuals, working in the enterprise in different capacities; so as to lead to the most successful attainment of the common objectives.
- Co-ordination is included in every managerial function;
- All the activities are divided groupwise or sectionwise under organising function.
- Now, such grouped activities are co-ordinated towards the accomplishment of objectives of an organisation.
5. How the employees are informed about important matters in a company?
- Communication is the transmission of human thoughts, views or opinions from one person to another person.
- Workers are informed about what should be done, where it is to be done, how it is do be done and when it is to be done.
- Communication helps the regulation of job and co-ordinates the activities.
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III. Long Answer Questions:
1. Explain the various functions of management.
Main Functions:
- Planning is the primary function of management. Nothing can be performed without planning.
- Planning refers to deciding in advance. Planning should take place before doing.
- Organising is the process of establishing harmonious relationship among the members of an organisation and the creation of network of relationship among them.
- staffing refers to placement of right persons in the right jobs. The success of any enterprise depends upon the successful performance of staffing function
- Directing denotes motivating, leading, guiding and communicating with subordinates on an ongoing basis in order to accomplish pre-set goals.
- It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goal.Motivation includes increasing the speed of performance of a work and developing a willingness on the part of workers.
- It is the control function which facilitates synchronization of actual performance with predetermined standards.
VII.Co ordination:
- Co-ordination is the synchronization of the actions of all individuals, working in the enterprise in different capacities.
Subsidiary Functions:
- Innovation refers to the preparation of personnel and organisation to face the changes made in the business world.
- A manager has to act as representative of a company. It is the duty of every manager to have good relation with others.
- Every employee of an organisation has to take a number of decisions every day. Decision making helps in the smooth functioning of an organization.
- Communication is the transmission of human thoughts, views or opinions from one person to another person.
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