> 12th English July Month assignment Answer key 2021 ~ Kalvikavi
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12th English July Month assignment Answer key 2021

12th English July Month assignment Answer key 2021 

பன்னிரண்டாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்களுக்கான இரண்டாவது ஜூலை மாதத்திற்கான வினா விடை குறிப்புகள் இங்கே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது உள்ள தகவலை உங்களுடைய நண்பர்களுக்கும் மறக்காமல் ஷேர் செய்யுங்கள்

12th English July Assignments Answer key  

  • 12th English July Month assignment Answer key - Click Download (coming soon)

  • Assignment 
  • Class 12 Subject: English
  • Unit 2 
  • Prose 
  • A Nice Cup of Tea 

I. Choose the correct synonym for the following sentences.

1.But there is not much stimulation in it.





2.One does not feel wiser,braver or more optimistic after drinking it.


 b) negative



Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined word : 

3….which are not to be despised.



c)re pected 

d)def ated

4….but they re uf cent to show how ub lized e wole bu in s has become





5.Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix respectively for the root word


A)ful     b) ly.    c) ity       d) ness

6.Choose the correct preposition :

Yuvan has been playing cricket well ____2011.

a)in        b)at.       c)since       d)before

7. Choose the trisyllabic word:





Fill in the right option. 

8. Neither Sudha nor Leela_____been selected.





9.Choose clipped word for “Perambulator”

a)Pram    b)Peram     c)ramtor     d)rambol

10.Choose the American word for „queue‟

a)straight      b)level     c)line d)order

II. Answer the following questions in one or two lines.

1.What seems curious to the author?

2.Which tea does the author prefer – China tea or Indian tea ?

3.What is the second golden rule in the preparation of tea?

4.How does army tea taste?

5.Why does the author advice removing cream from the milk?

III. Answer the following questions in three or four lines.

1.What are the author‟s views on China tea?

  • China tea has virtues which are not to be despised, it is economic. One can drink it without milk, but there is not much stimulation in it. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it.

2.Elucidate the author‟s ideas about teapots?

3.Whom does the author call „misguided people‟?What is his advice to them ?

4.How does adding sugar affect the taste of tea?

5.Does he au hor k d inking t a w th ugar? Give re so s

IV. Write in detail.

1.Discuss the Eleven Golden Rules in the preparation of a nice cup of tea.

Facts found in the essay: 
  • There is no mention of tea in the recipes cookery books except some sketchy ideas on the process of preparation. Tea is one of the mainstays of civilization of UK, Australia, New Zealand and Eire. The process of tea making is a subject matter of violent disputes. The author has come up with eleven golden rules for preparation of a nice tea. Tea pot should be made of china or earthen ware. In some countries, teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets under the spout to catch stray tea leaves, which are supposed to be harmful. One should use water that has been freshly boiled. After making tea, one should stir it or better give the pot a good shake, afterwards allowing the leaves to settle down. Some people don’t like tea in itself. They only drink it in order to be warmed and stimulated and they need sugar to take away the taste of tea.
The author’s opinion: 
  • The maimer of making the nicest cup of tea is the subject matter of violent disputes. China tea doesn’t give stimulation, wisdom, bravery or optimism. Indian tea means ‘a nice cup of tea’. The army tea tastes of grease and white wash. The method of swilling tea out with hot water is not a good practice. One strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak ones. One can swallow considerable quantities of tea. One should take the teapot to the kettle and not the otherway about. If you use already boiled water or freshly brought to boil does not make any difference in the taste of tea. One should remove cream off before adding the milk to tea. By putting tea leaves in first and stirring it as one pours milk one can regulate the amount of milk. Tea must be drunk without sugar for enjoying the real flavour and taste.

2. Summarize George Orwell‟s distinctive ideas in „A Nice Cup Of Tea „

  • Tea is one of the mainstays of civilizations of UK, New Zealand, Australia and Eire. 
  • But, it is not found in the recipes of cookery books. The nicest manner in which tea must be prepared has become a subject matter of violent disputes among tea loving persons even within a family. 
  • Indian tea fits in with the author’s description of “nicest cup of tea” as it rejuvenates the drinker with wisdom, stimulation, bravery and optimism. One cup of strong tea is equal to twenty weak ones. Best tea is prepared by boiling tea leaves first and then adding milk to taste.
  • Milk first schools and tea first schools still fight. Tea prepared in earthen pot or china ware is good. The real flavour of tea should never be imprisoned by strainers. Consuming tea leaves will not harm one’s health. Adding sugar to tea will naturally ruin its real flavour and taste. 
  • The author advises misguided people who drink sweet tea to desist from the practice for a fortnight. He guarantees them that they would like the natural taste of tea and would never again add sugar to tea. Tea should be taken in a cylindrical or breakfast cup to enjoy it. Shallow and flat cups don’t retain warmth and taste for a long time.

  • Unit 2 – Poetry 
  • OurCasuarina Tree

I. Choose the correct answer for the following sentences.

1. Which tree is mentioned by the poet ?

a) Neemtree b) Palm tree c) Banyan tree d) Casuarina tree

2. What is the tree compared to ?

a) man b) giant c) lady d) animal

3. What is the colour of the flowers ?

a) blue b) yellow c) crimson d) white

4.What does „Fain‟ mean ?

a) eagerly b) fail c) success d) pass

5.What springs in the tank ?

a) water lilies b) lotus c) jasmine d) rose

6. Who sits like a statue on the branch of the tree?

a) bi d b) cat c) b boon d) tiger

7. What embr ces he c suarina ree

a) cre per sn ke c) mo key d ady 

8. What is the creeper compared to?

a)umbrella b) lion c) flower d) python

9. Name the bird that sings in the poet‟s garden.

a)Kokila b) skylark c) crow d) parrot

10. “It is the tree‟s lament, an eerie speech” What is the figure of speech employed here? 

a) simile b) personification c) metaphor d) repetition

II. Answer the following questions in one or two lines.

1. Why is the scarf colourful?

2. How does the creeper appear on the tree?

3. Whycasuarina tree is dear to the poet‟s heart?

4. How does the poet spend her winter?5. What has Words worth sanctified in his poem?

III. Answer the following questions in three or four lines.

1. The casuarina tree will be remembered for ever. Why?

2. Describe the garden during the night.

3. What does the poet convey through the expression „Fear, trembling, hope?

4. What does the poet mean by the expression „May love defend thee from oblivion‟s curse? 

5. Write about the monkey and its offspring in the casuarina tree.

IV. Write in detail

1. The poet immortalizes the tree – Elucidate.

2. How does nature communicate with the poet?

  • Unit 2 – Supplementary 
  • Li e of Pi 

I. Choose the corect  fot the folowingsentence

1. Who is called the Super alpha in the boat? 

a) Pi b) Hyena c) Orange Juice d) Richard parker

2. Pi was weak as he had nothing to drink or eat for ______ days.

a) one b) two c) three d) four

3. Pi is an Indian boy from ______.

a) Pondicherry b) Bengal c) Goa d) Canada

4. Pi got angry with the ______ and called him, “You ugly, foul creature”.

a) Tiger b) hyena c) Orang-utan d) Zebra

5. “I lost interest in the question. Only ______ interested me”.

a) food b) tiger c) water d) thirst

6. His heart began to beat like a merry ______ when he drank water.

a) drum b) clock c) go round d) player

7. ______ gave him the will to live.a) Parents b) Water c) Hyena d) Richard Parker

8. Pi says that drinking ______ is disgraceful

a) alcohol b) water c) orange juice d) sedatives

9. While comparing with the tiger, Pi calls hyena as ridiculous ______.

a) pig b) dog c) monkey d) donkey

10. At last, Pi left Richard Parker in a ______.

a) boat b) ship c) zoo d) jungle

II. Answer the following questions in one or two lines.

1. Describe the appearance of Richard Parker?

2. Why Pi says that orange is the colour of survival?

3. While comparing himself with a tennis challenger, what Pi says of that

player, when he has nothing to lose in the game? 

4. Describe Pi‟s struggle to find drinking water?

5. Why Pi was grateful to Richard Parker at the end?

III. Ans er the following questions in three or four es. 

1. What are t e el m s that a ow d P t liv when he w s l ft a on in the 

middle of the Pacific? 

2. Which one is worst according to Pi, hunger or thirst? Why?

3. „In the face of superior predator, all of us were prey‟. Explain this statement

with the strange behaviour of the animals in that boat. 

4. Describe the lifeboat.

5. How did Pi feel after drinking water?

IV. Write in detail.

1. Summarise the incidents of „Life of Pi‟ logically in your own words.

2. How did the presence of Richard Parker influence the attitude of Pi?

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