> 10th Social science Refresher Course 2- answer key ~ Kalvikavi
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10th Social science Refresher Course 2- answer key

10th Social science Refresher Course 2- answer key

  • Topic 2 - French Revolution - Name of the Important
  • unit 2 - 10th social Science American Revolution - French Revolution - Name of the Important
  • Title : 10th science Bridge course Answer Worksheet 2

10th social science Refresher Course-2-French Revolution - Name of the Important-answer key

1. Draw a timeline with the given events.

a) Meeting of the Estates General, the King escaped to Verne, Meeting of the National Convention, Execution of Louis XVI, Execution of Robespierre

2. Discussion of the causes of the economic crisis as a group and as a group, with events and individuals taking steps to address it.

3. Answer the questions with the help of Social Causes paragraph.

a) Who are considered as developed people in the States General system? What privilege did they enjoy?

b) How did the third group of people caused the revolution.

4. Fill it.

Thinkers           Creations         Exposed gold

1. Voltaire           Tandide           ____________________

2. Jean Jacques     Rousseau Social contract    ____________________

3. Montesquieu        The spirit of the laws      ____________________


1. The ideology that became the quintessential mantra of the French Revolution, write about the impact of our Indian Constitution.

  • The motto of the French Revolution, the motto of the French Revolution, "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity" is important.

2. Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

  • Louis XVI

3. Which category pays all taxes in the States General of France?

  • Third class civilians

4. How many divisions did French society have in the 18th century?

  • Three

5. Louis XIV of France belonged to which dynasty?

  • Bourbon



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